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Cascais City Council say they will provide affordable housing for teachers who teach in the municipality but have to travel from far.


Cascais City Council announced they will provide 105 accommodations for teachers who teach in the municipality but live more than 60 kilometres away from the school.

“Our aim is to attract talent and attract the best teachers to come and teach in the Cascais municipality, so that the housing factor doesn’t get in the way of attracting that talent.” said the Vice-President of Cascais City Council, Nuno Piteira Lopes.

Lopes says four houses are available immediately, which can accommodate 16 teachers.

A further eight flats will follow and will have the capacity to house 24. These flats are located in various institutions that are partnered with the council. The Monastery of Santa Maria do Mar will have the space to accommodate another 44 teachers.

Cascais is a municipality in the Lisbon District of Portugal. The houses are located in the towns of Bicesse, Cobre, Tires, and Torres.

Monthly rent ranges from 150 to 400 euro, depending on the type of accommodation.

Lopes announces that the council will also provide temporary housing for teachers that will only stay for a couple months, for example to replace teachers on sick leave or maternity leave.

The cost of the temporary accommodation ranges from 275 and 400 euro per month.

Sursa: Citeaza

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